Originally, all honeybee colonies inhabited natural cavities as wild animals. Old literature and recent fieldwork show that honeybee colonies still dwell in tree cavities, crevices in walls or rock faces more often than commonly assumed. Since 2017 our Citizen Science project called BEEtree-Monitor provides a platform for everyone to report and thus continuous monitor these wild or free living honeybee colonies. We run the joint gathering of data collection through the BEEtree-Monitor as trained IT experts and scientists from Würzburg University and Technical University Munich (TUM) - without any funding on a voluntary basis. With a large team of engaged citizens we examine nest choices and survival rates compared to managed hives and publish these data to hopefully raise awareness, spark more discussions on honeybees living in the wild and shape new views on beekeeping. While in the beginning mostly colonies in German-speaking countries were reported on our platform, observations come in from across Europe more and more. Find out how to report a free living honeybee colony and observe it according to scientific criteria on our website. Get in touch and be part of the community!
Start Date
Project Owner
Sebastian Roth, Benjamin Rutschman, Felix Remter
Naturally Occupied Nests
Created Hives
Project Type
Citizen Science by more than 200 members